NTF Issue paper: president29.doc. 6-18.
BACKGROUND. Several Latin American countries use the U.S. as a dumping grounds for their poor and criminal elements. Thus, they avoid having to support some of their poor economically or pay to incarcerate violent criminals. These hordes of destitute and felonious aliens surging across our border in caravans have overwhelmed our immigration system and bloated our law enforcement, welfare, and education budgets. President Trump has advanced a solution to this gnawing and growing problem.
TRUMP REACTS. President Trump has reacted to this deluge of aliens. He seeks to cut or end foreign aid to home nations of illegal aliens, based on numbers of them who cross our border, a per capita solution. Trump understands that several governments actively encourage citizens to migrate here in order to offload their own economic burdens and neglect their responsibilities to support them. Trump singled out Honduras, which encouraged a caravan of asylum-seeking migrants traveling north to our border. Many of these nations consume huge amounts of U.S. foreign aid. The Trump FY 2019 budget already slices billions from foreign aid spending, the President believing that our tax dollars should extend only to friends of the U.S. Trump now lobbies Congress to join his effort. He would end the border crisis by asking Congress to give him the legal authorization to cut aid and use these resources to detain and deport illegal alien individuals and families. An excellent way to enforce his zero-tolerance policy of prosecuting illegal aliens. He blasted the liberal media for broadcasting fake news that distorts his proposal.
VIOLENT GANGS. Trump referred specifically to the flood of gang members infiltrating from Central America. He pledges to eradicate MS-13 and other south of the border gangs, rightly referring to them as “animals, ” stating “They’re not people. These are animals and we have to be very, very tough.” Of the estimated 10,000 MS-13 gang members nationwide, between 1,000 and 2,000 reside in one place, on Long Island. The Trump Administration has tied the growth of MS-13 to loopholes in U.S. immigration law that prevent authorities from detaining and quickly deporting illegal alien children. Those policies force immigration authorities to resettle thousands of unaccompanied alien children from Central American countries, giving MS-13 a pool of fresh candidates from which to recruit. Federal gang enforcement operations have shown these children as a small but growing percentage in MS-13 ranks. ICE arrested 214 MS-13 gangsters in a nationwide operation in Nov. 2017. 64 had entered the U.S. as unaccompanied minors. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein recalled using the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act to attack MS-13 gang members when he was U.S. attorney in Maryland in 2005. “We had tremendous success for quite a few years,” he said. “But we found in recent years a resurgence of MS-13 in Maryland fueled by illegal immigration, and particularly by the challenge of unaccompanied minor children. Once those unaccompanied children are released into the community, even if they’re gang members, they will generally remain in the United States.” Rosenstein said 6,000 unaccompanied minors each year fail to appear for court hearings. Some 90% of all removal orders issued to those youths come after their failure to appear. Fewer than 4% of them found and deported.
BIG BUCKS. Offending nations suck huge numbers of foreign aid dollars from American taxpayers. El Salvador received $75 million in foreign aid in FY 2016. Mexico, the top home country of illegal aliens in the U.S., garnered $87 million in 2016.
OFFENDING NATIONS. The President began considering foreign aid penalties, after several nations that vacuum large amounts of aid condemned his decision to transfer the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and criticized other U.S. policies. He wants aid deductions against nations that commonly vote against U.S. interests at the UN or flout our immigration laws. More than 20 countries stubbornly refuse repatriation, and 60+ make the process difficult. Mexico does nothing to stem the flow of its destitute and criminal element, although it stringently enforces immigration on its own southern border. Several nations impede our deportations by delaying issuance of travel documents and locking limits on charter flights carrying illegals back home. A Connecticut young woman murdered by a Haitian illegal alien, one of thousands let loose on our streets each year after serving a prison term, because Haiti refused repatriation 3 times. This killer had lived in the U.S. illegally since 1992 and served 17 years in prison for attempted murder and possession of a gun without a permit. ICE had freed him under a 2001 Supreme Court ruling. This decision, Zadvydas v. Davis, stated that illegal immigrants designated for deportation but unaccepted by their home countries cannot become detained here indefinitely. Detained for 205 days but ultimately freed less than 6 months before he murdered. A House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing in April, 2018 documented that since 2013, 86,288 illegal immigrants have committed 231,074 crimes after release from prison. Many of those illegal aliens ultimately deported, but 2,166 who had served prison time for various crimes won ICE release last year, after their home countries refused repatriation. The State Department has imposed retaliatory visa sanctions only once, on Gambia, which immediately began complying. Stopping issuance of visas to Gambian government officials brought cooperation within weeks. Many countries continue to obtain millions from the American taxpayer but refuse to take back their criminals.
SUPPORTERS. The Center for Immigration Studies, an advocate for stricter immigration enforcement, endorses using foreign aid as a powerful tool to leverage better compliance. It believes this proposal the best means to convince Latin American nations to control their outflow of illegals here.
BILL SUPPORT. Conservative Cong. Brian Babin (TX) sponsors the Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act that would force recalcitrant nations to repatriate their citizens criminally detained and ordered deported or face loss of foreign aid and issuance of visas to their citizens. Victims of crimes committed by criminal aliens would have standing in federal court to sue for deportation of such criminal aliens. Cong. Jeff Fortenberry (NE) and Steve King (IA) are co-sponsors, together with 50 other congressmen. Supporting Babin is conservative Cong. Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.). She believes that nations from which child immigrants flee we must force to pay costs for illegals detained here. The bill would require the Dept. of Homeland Security to report to Congress each 3 months the names of uncooperative nations. The feds then would withhold foreign aid to those countries while the Dept. of State suspends travel visas. To view a video of this bill, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnDvS2ZOeXc. HR 82 is now in the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. “There is absolutely no reason that criminal aliens should be released back onto America’s streets, yet that is exactly what is happening by the thousands each year because their countries of origin refuse to take them back,” complained Rep. Babin. President Trump has announced that deporting the approximately 2 million criminal aliens in our country a top priority for his presidency, and this legislation is a critical component to such effort. In past administrations, Homeland Security would raise this issue with the State Department but nothing would happen. This bill will bring needed congressional oversight. The U.S. is the center of international trade. Businesses in recalcitrant nations prohibited from conducting business in the U.S. with visas would cause immediate consternation. Countries would begin accepting back deportees immediately because of huge pressure from their citizenry hurt financially, added Babin.
TAKE ACTION NOW. We should feel grateful that we have a President willing to stand up for and protect all Americans. To honor victims of illegal alien maraudings and their family members, it is crucial that we secure our border, deport criminal aliens, and assist the victims of their crimes. Targeting offending nations economically makes sense, forcing them to realize that the U.S. no longer will serve as a garbage dump for their problem citizens. Urge your congressman today to support the President and the Babin House bill as a solid means to curtail illegal immigration. Email netaxpayers@gmail.com to join our President Watch project or Project Immigration.
Research, documentation, and analysis for this issue paper done by Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom. This material copyrighted by Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom, with express prior permission granted for its use by other groups in the NE Conservative Coalition Network. 6-18. C