GOOD & BAD BILLS IN THE 2019 LEGISLATURE. Updated: 4/15/19
LR 3CA: Erdman. A constitutional amendment to provide refundable income tax credits equal to 35% of property taxes paid. This credit would begin on or after Jan. 1, 2021. GOOD RESOLUTION/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 6: Blood. To expand the parameters by which students who were in the armed forces can qualify for in-state college tuition. GOOD BILL/ IN COMMITTEE
LB 7: Blood. To criminalize knowingly and intentionally manufacturing, importing, installing, distributing, or selling counterfeit seat belts or falsifies declaration of such. Violations would result Class IV to Class II felonies. GOOD BILL/ IN COMMITTEE
LB 12: Blood. Active duty military members and their spouses could waive the $80 real estate license fee, if they have a valid license from another state. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 16: Briese. To withhold additional information from disclosure under the public records law, including physical and cyber assets of critical energy or electric infrastructure, if such disclosure would threaten national security or public health and safety. The identity of personnel responsible for access to such assets or operating and maintaining them also withheld. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 19: Briese. To withhold from the public worker compensation records in order to protect personal medical histories. A court could disclose this information if requested in a state or federal investigation. GOOD BILL/ BUSINESS COMMITTEE
LB 20: Briese. To require voter approval of public building commission bonds at a primary or general election. This bill offers property tax relief, because it brings transparency and accountability to expenditure of property tax monies. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 31: Kolterman. To plan to transfer administration of the corrupt and indebted OPS pension plan to the state retirement system. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 34: Kolterman. The surviving spouse of a deceased NE government employee automatically would become the default beneficiary, if not designated in a state, county, or school retirement plan. This situation already current in other NE retirement system plans. GOOD BILL/ FINAL READING
LB 38: Hikemann. To eliminate 2nd license plate requirement for vehicles and remove the fee now charged for having only 1 plate. GOOD BILL/ TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE
LB 45: Chambers. To repeal the prairie dog eradication act, which deprives property owners of due process by allowing counties to come onto private property in response to unverified complaints by neighbors, in order to eradicate prairie dogs. GOOD BILL/ AG COMMITTEE
LB 54: Lowe. To allow the possession and carrying of a concealed weapon if unloaded and stored in a case and transported from a place and to a place where concealed carry is allowed. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 73: Erdman. To require all NE schools to display the national motto “In God We Trust” in English. Opponents include the Unitarian Church of NE and NE Association of School Boards. GOOD BILL/ EDUCATION COMMITTEE
LB 82: Friesen. To allow the state transportation dept. to apply for pre-approval to use practical road design standards that provide significant benefits to users at reasonable cost. The legislation would streamline several dept. processes and allow more flexibility in road design. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 103: Linehan. Local property taxing authorities like community colleges, educational service units, school districts, NRDs, counties, and cities must lower their tax rate for a current tax year so that the rate would produce no more than the amount of property taxes raised in the previous year. Local taxing authorities must hold a special public hearing and vote, if they want a levy hike. The hearing notice must include the percentage increase or decrease in valuation, the property tax rate, and total operating budget from the prior to the current year. The bill will not have a fiscal impact or cost to the state. This plan won much acclaim in Virginia. Bill opponents included the teachers union and NE Council of School Administrators. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 116: Kolterman. To authorize electronic delivery of insurance policies and billing information to customers. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 118: Arch. To allow withholding from the public the residential address of a licensed physician in 5 year lengths. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 119: Arch. To offer confidentiality of records and immunity from liability for members of professional health care service entities engaged in peer review. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 127: Hughes. To expand the definition of immediate family regarding deer hunting permits. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 128: Hughes. To allow distribution of wildlife conservation license plates. The plates will support the conservation of Nebraska wildlife, including, sandhill cranes, bighorn sheep, and cutthroat trout. The Game & Parks Commission uses the fund to provide youth education programs relating to wildlife conservation practices. GOOD BILL/ TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE
LB 141: DeBoer. To originate the crime of physical assault by strangulation or suffocation. Penalty is as Class IIIA felony, or a Class IIA felony if perpetrator previously convicted of the same crime. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 143: Hughes. To criminalize the throwing or dropping of rocks, bricks, or other dangerous objects on cars traveling highways. First time violators face a Class I misdemeanor. If a violation causes bodily injury, a Class IV felony. If a violation causes serious bodily injury, as Class IIA felony with a maximum sentence of no more than 10 years in jail. If a violation causes death, a Class IIA felony with a maximum sentence of no more than 15 years in jail. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 147: Groene. If a student becomes violent against a teacher, staffer, or another pupil, a teacher or administrator can use necessary physical restraint to control such student. If a student shows destructive behavior to school property, a teacher or administrator can use necessary physical restraint to control such student. These teacher and administrator actions do not constitute corporal punishment. Teachers and administrators protecting themselves or a student not subject to lawsuits or administrative penalty. A teacher can have a student removed from class by an administrator for repeatedly interfering with teaching or if teacher determines that behavior is so unruly and abusive that it seriously interferes with teaching. If a student removed, principal can place him in another classroom, in-school suspension, or suspend the student. Principal cannot return student to classroom, unless teacher consents. The bill clarifies that physical restraint is not corporal punishment, banned in NE. Teachers now fear consequences of using physical force to handle violent students. Bill opponents claimed that it would disproportionately target minority kids. GOOD BILL/ EDUCATION COMMITTEE
LB 148: Groene. Public hearings on local budgets must be held separately from regular meetings and have no time limit. Taxpayers can address the local body and have a reasonable amount of time to speak. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 151: Brewer. A request by the state or locality for bids could not require or prohibit contractors or subcontractors from entering into union agreements. This bill would prevent the state or local government from offering preference to either union or non-union contractors when accepting bids. The Associated Builders & Contractors support the bill. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 152: Brewer. To provide for confidentiality of National Guard member residential address. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 153: Brewer. Military retirees would pay state income tax on only half on the taxable part of their military retirement income. NE would retain highly-trained and skilled qualified veterans with strong leadership qualities here. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 155: Brewer. To eliminate eminent domain authority for electric transmission lines. The intent of this bill is to prevent private companies from using the eminent domain power of government against their neighbors in order to engage in an entirely private activity. It is anathema to good government to allow a citizen to use eminent domain for financial gain when harming neighboring property. Bill support is very strong in the Sandhills, because such transmission lines kill many birds, including bald eagles, and expose the thin topsoil to erosion. The leftist Center for Rural Affairs supports the bill. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 158: Brewer. To set the assessed value of real property as of 1-1-2023 the same as the assessed value plus cost of improvements as set at 1-1-2019 and minus the assessed value on 1-1-2019 of improvements destroyed or removed. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 161: Erdman. To eliminate the Learning Community and transfer all assets to member school districts. Remaining records, books, papers, and personal property will go to the State Board of Education for distribution to these school districts. GOOD BILL/ EDUCATION COMMITTEE
LB 164: Hunt. Posting sexually explicit photos of a person on the Internet to emotionally or financially harm them would become a misdemeanor. Violators must register as sex offenders. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 173: Pansing Brooks. To redefine coercion and without consent regarding rape. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 186: Lindstrom. To allow notaries public commissioned in Nebraska to register as an Online Notary Public and use technology to verify the identity of a person whose signature is notarized in an online notarial act or who is taking an oath or affirmation other than in the capacity of a witness. GOOD BILL/ FINAL READING
LB 188: Lindstrom. To raise the limit from 24% to 29% the interest rate allowed on installment loans for the unpaid balance. People with bad credit ratings still could obtain small loans. GOOD BILL/ SELECT FILE
LB 189: Erdman. For FY 2019-20, the last prior year total of restricted funds for cities and villages will be the last prior year total of restricted funds minus the last prior year restricted funds budgeted by cities and villages under sections 39-2501 to 39-2520, plus the last prior year amount of restricted funds budgeted by cities and villages and used for capital improvements. To ensure that cities and villages are not receiving any additional taxing authority, GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 192: McCollister. To allow those who serve in the National Guard and reserves to obtain veterans license plates or state ID cards. License holders can obtain various discounts. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 198: Halloran. Anyone who uses a fake firearm to commit a felony will face a Class IIA felony charge. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 204: Briese. Bonds issued by interlocal government agreements must have been submitted to voters for approval. Each included government subdivision must offer notice of election at least 50 days before the primary or general election. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 209: Albrecht. Women wanting abortions would learn of possibilities to reverse a medication-induced abortion and continue a pregnancy. The state must post information regarding providers that could assist with a reversal. The ACLU-NE and Planned Parenthood oppose this bill. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 212: Government Comm. To extend the length of a phone conference call from 2 hrs. to not more than 5 hrs. for government bodies. A limit of 1 yr. a period for which a governmental unit can exceed the allowable growth percentage if approved by voters. GOOD BILL/ SELECT FILE
LB 227: Hughes. This right to farm act would protect a farm or public grain warehouse from being declared a public or private nuisance, if it existed before a change in land use or occupancy of land and would not have been a nuisance before the change. Farmers would not fall subject to nuisance lawsuits if they operated within zoning laws and state environmental quality regulations. GOOD BILL/ AG COMMITTEE
LB 228: Linehan. To allow owners of homes costing $350,000 or more to fully deduct from their state income tax property taxes paid, restoring something inadvertently erased by the Trump tax cuts. GOOD BILL/ BANKING COMMITTEE
LB 235: Crawford. To permit unlicensed home brewers to offer their products at festivals and exhibitions without a permit, if none is for sale. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 240: M. Hansen. A supposedly mentally-ill defendant will not be eligible for outpatient treatment if charged with an offense for which bail is prohibited or if the judge determines that public safety would be at risk. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 245: Erdman. To save the state $2.3 million by allowing generic versions of medications in 3 categories. Physicians still could prescribe brand-name drugs. This legislation would lessen administrative costs for medical providers, reduce cost for patients, and not degrade care. GOOD BILL/ HEALTH COMMITTEE
LB 246: Brewer. The Secretary of State, election commissioner, or county clerk must withhold from a list of registered voters information in the voter registration records designated as confidential or marked private on the voter registration application or voter registration record. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 265: To allow payday lenders to make loans up to $1,000 with longer payback periods of a minimum of 6 months. Banks and credit unions do not make such loans, and high interest rates are necessary because of the high loan default rate. The NE Financial Services Association supports the bill, stating that the bill offers customers more options. The leftist NE Appleseed and OTOC oppose the bill. GOOD BILL/ BUSINESS COMMITTEE
LB 266: Lindstrom. To expand eligibility for use of the School Readiness Income Tax Credit up to $1,500 to self-employed providing child care or early childhood education. Dept. of Revenue can approve up to $5 million in such credits annually. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 269: Friesen. To expand use of school driving permits. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 288: Linehan. To lower state income tax rates beginning Jan. 1, 2020. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 302: Hughes. The State Energy Office would merge with the Dept. of Environmental Quality. Combining efforts would improve similar services provided. Duplicative administrative jobs cut. Time to obtain permits reduced. Economic development and infrastructure projects accelerated. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 304: Crawford. To allow homemade foods now sold legally at farmers markets, religious, or charitable bake sales, t fairs, festivals, and other public venues. This bill would permit small producers to obtain added income and begin their own home businesses. Such a law would help stay at home moms and rural folks. NE is the only state that restricts such sales to farmers markets. GOOD BILL/ AG COMMITTEE
LB 312: B. Hansen. To permit licensed dental hygienists to offer residential care through a home health agency. The bill would eliminate a requirement that such personnel have 3,000 hours of clinical experience to treat adults unsupervised. 53 NE counties, mostly rural, have a shortage of practicing dental hygienists. GOOD BILL/ HEALTH COMMITTEE
LB 324: LaGrone. Government subdivisions and 911 employees engaged in 911 service, except for failure to use reasonable care or for intentional acts, would become immune from liability or payment of damages in provision of service. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 343: Halloran. To allow school districts, colleges, and universities to allow employees to carry concealed handguns to protect students and staff on school property and at school-sponsored activities, if employee has a valid concealed carry permit. A district may require additional training. In rural areas, it would take a while before law officers could reach a shooting scene. Both Ohio and South Dakota have developed programs to train school staff to carry firearms. The teachers union opposes the bill. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 347: Murman. To exempt the practice of reflexology, not designated as massage therapy, from unnecessary licensure under the Massage Therapy Practice Act. It is exempt from licensure in 32 states. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 373: Brewer. To require county regulations for setbacks of 3 miles from houses, noise abatements, and zoning and decommissioning requirements for wind energy generation. The bill establishes a reason for lawsuit for citizens who feel a wind energy facility has lowered their property value. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 378: B. Hansen. To repeal the state motorcycle helmet law for riders 21 years old or older. However, eye protection still required. Forcing helmets on riders infringes on personal freedom and liberty. Repeal would generate additional revenue from motorcycle tourism. GOOD BILL/ TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE
LB 379: Kolterman. To allow payday lenders that have a base in NE to offer loans online and pay an additional licensing fee. Nebraskans then will have additional alternatives for small dollar loans. The director of the state banking department and NE Financial Service Association both support the bill. The leftist NE Appleseed Center opposes it. GOOD BILL/ BANKING COMMITTEE
LB 399: Slama. To assure that social studies curricula teach public school children an opportunity to become competent, responsible, and patriotic, citizens who have a true understanding of and respect for the U.S. Constitution and state constitution and prepare to preserve, protect, and defend freedom and democracy in our nation. Foundation knowledge of civics, history, geography, and financial literacy. Attention must be given to the Declaration of Independence, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, economics, geography, and danger of forms of government that restrict individual freedom such as Nazism and Communism. Civics test results from 8th and 11th Grades would go to parents. Districts could use naturalization tests, require students to attend a government meeting followed by a project or paper, or doing a project or paper and class presentation about a person or event commemorated by selected holidays. School district committees must hold 2 public hearings annually to hear input. Students will memorize patriotic songs and develop respect for our Flag. The State Board of Education must adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out such activities and ascertain that every school district carry out such rules and regulations. An employee who neglects this law could face firing. The teachers union opposed the bill as did the State Board of Education, with all liberal members. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 412: Geist. Before creation of a joint public agency (JPAs) that involves a political subdivision like a county that has the authority to levy a tax or issue bonds, registered voters must have the opportunity to vote on the venture at a primary or general election. The same measure cannot have a vote for at least 6 months after a first vote. An election request must become filed at least 50 days before such election. JPAs can buy land, issue debt, and make construction contracts. Liberal Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler and the liberal League of NE Municipalities both testified against this bill. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 442: McCollister. To permit citizens with multiple medical RXs to coordinate and collect all medication on the same day, avoiding frequent trips to a pharmacy. The drugs must treat a chronic illness and not be controlled drugs. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 445: McDonnell. To require Omaha and Lincoln to annually report in its budget the collection and use of occupation taxes levied and collected in such budget. The report must include the purpose of imposing the tax, amount of tax collected, and itemization of how the tax was spent or budgeted to be spent. Also, the termination date of the tax. GOOD BILL/ SELECT FILE
LB 457: Lathrop. To decriminalize use and raising of industrial hemp. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 462: Friesen. To create a resolution board to hear disputes between excavators and operators about damage to underground facilities caused by excavation, a more efficient and cheaper means than the present practice of filing complaints with the state attorney-general. The board would send its recommendation to the state fire marshal, who would determine liability. GOOD BILL/ TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE
LB 463:Williams. To better ensure that citizens at risk of losing their homes, farms, or businesses over delinquent taxes receive advance notification about payment of back taxes. Those wanting to purchase tax deeds must deliver several notices to the property owner in person or by certified mail to the home and place a legal notice in a newspaper. Notice would go to renters of property also. Better notice requirements would permit county treasurers to determine if a property owner received proper notice, and a checklist of documents would help treasurers verify that a tax sale certificate purchaser has met all legal requirements before issuing a tax deed. Currently, unscrupulous investors buy tax deeds and snatch property from elderly citizens without proof that the owner received prior notification of a property tax sale. Present law permits companies or individuals to pay the delinquent taxes on a property and after 3 years take ownership, if the owner does not pay the taxes plus interest and fees. GOOD BILL/ PASSED
LB 470: LaGrone. To offer a tax deduction for nonparticipant contributions to the NE College Savings Plan and eliminate a tax deduction restriction. This change will eliminate the current practice of taxing grandparents and other relatives for donating to a college savings account. Also, the bill eliminates the cap on tax incentivized contributions. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 475: Geist. To criminalize sexual extortion and mandate sex offender registration for these criminals. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 482: Erdman. A formula to lower the assessed value of destroyed real property. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 483: Erdman. To value agricultural and horticultural land based on land capitalized net earning capacity instead of sales prices of similar property, which inflates farmland worth. County assessors will determine the capitalized earning capacity by using an ag land valuation manual. The bill would prevent large swings in valuation. GOOD BILL/ SELECT FILE
LB 484: Lowe. To criminalize assaults against public safety officers and hospital employees. GOOD BILL/JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 496: Wayne. To increase penalties for tampering with witnesses, jurors, or evidence. The charge would match the underlying felony charge, e.g., a Class II felony. Ernie Chambers opposes the bill. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 511: Brewer: To authorize adjustments to state work schedules for participation in approved youth mentoring programs for up to 1 hour per week. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 512: Linehan. To suspend property taxes on structures destroyed by the recent flood until rebuilt. A county assessor must report to the county board of equalization all property destroyed by fire or other natural calamity between Jan. 1 and Oct. 1 of any year. The county assessor will file a report with the reassessed valuation with the county board of equalization before July 20. This board would approve or deny the report on or before July 25. Allows a homestead exemption claimant who is denied or has the exemption amount reduced because of home value to appeal the value by June 30. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 513: Briese. Require that, in public school districts whose total valuation of appraised land is made up of 75% or more agricultural and horticultural land, 60% of those voting on educational bonds required to approve the measure in order for it to pass. Same for elections to issue bonds. GOOD BILL/ EDUCATION COMMITTEE
LB 517: Pansing Brooks. To allow a court to increase the award of damages to an amount that matches the actual damages sustained and which damages not susceptible to measurement by ordinary monetary standards. Examples includes costs of medical and psychological treatment, costs of necessary transportation and temporary housing, and cost of property damage. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 519: Slama. To extend statute of limitations for prosecution of specific sex trafficking offenses to 7 years for an adult and unlimited time for a minor or for creating kiddie porn and permit law enforcement to obtain wiretapping orders against traffickers. The statute of limitations for possession of kiddie porn extended to 7 years or 7 years beyond 18th birthday of victim. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 530: Groene. To lower the valuation of agricultural and horticultural land from 75% to 65% for property tax purposes. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 548: Howard. Anyone who leaves a domestic pet unsheltered or unattended during severe weather or natural disaster would face a Class I misdemeanor, with penalty up to 1 yr . in jail, a $1,000 fine, or both. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 550: Vargas. Cities must win voter approval before imposing a local sales tax on cell phone service. The bill would eliminate the Omaha and Lincoln occupation tax on cell phone service. This tax is 6.24% in Omaha and 6% in Lincoln. NE currently has the 4th highest cell phone tax in the nation and highest among adjacent states. His bill would lower the 911 surcharge from 70c to 35c per month, end the prepaid cell surcharge, and exempt cell phone service from a surcharge used to fund the state relay system. GOOD BILL/ GENERAL FILE
LB 553: Clements. The federal fair housing act requires landlords to provide accommodation for and excuse pet fees for renters with emotional support animals. Landlords may requires documentation of disability and need for such animal from a mental health professional. However, some renters provide phony proof from online bogus services to avoid paying pet fees. This bill would permit landlords to demand verification from a mental health professional licensed in NE and whose services are not limited to only providing such verification. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 561: Geist. To adopt 2018 audit standards for legislative audit office audits. GOOD BILL/ EXECUTIVE BOARD
LB 581: Albrecht. Proposed budget statement must be constructed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles using the accrual basis. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 582: Brewer. Anyone who possesses, receives, retains, or disposes of a stolen firearm knowing or should have known or had reasonable cause to believe that such firearm has been stolen shall be guilty of a Class IIA felony. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 603: Lindstrom. To eliminate a bureaucratic requirement that a bank must charge the same automatic teller fees to all other financial institutions. GOOD BILL/ SELECT FILE
LB 615: Hilgers. To reduce the top state income tax rate in stages from 6.84% and the top corporate income tax rate of 7.81% to 5.99%, if the cash reserve fund holds at least $500 million. Supporters include the NE Federation of Independent Business, NE Chamber of Commerce, and the NE Bankers Association. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 630: Morfeld. To criminalize sexual extortion and increase penalties for sex offenses. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 657: Wayne. To permit farmers to legally grow industrial hemp, offering them an additional profitable crop and create jobs. Congress legalized the cultivation and sale of this hemp. The state ag dept. would establish, operate, and administer a registration program for hemp growers. GOOD BILL/ AG COMMITTEE
LB 664: Friesen. To restore an $11 million annual tax break given manufacturers accidentally erased by the Trump tax cuts. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 668: Vargas. The State Board of Education must grant teacher certificates to persons to teach in our public schools if they have a valid teaching certificate from another state and can yearly complete the requirements to maintain certification according to Board rules and regulations. GOOD BILL/ EDUCATION COMMITTEE
LB 670: Linehan. The average NE family does not have the money or mobility to select the choice of schools believed best for their children. The Children’s Scholarship Fund of Omaha distributes about 1,500 scholarships annually, but limited funds means that there are more families wanting school choice than a supply for scholarship opportunities. LB 670 would offer state income tax credits to those who donate to a private or parochial school scholarship fund. Individuals, estates, and corporations eligible for credits up to 50% of their income tax annual liability. Scholarships would pay tuition and fees. Students attending non-public schools would save the state and localities money. The teachers union and leftwing Open Sky Institute oppose this bill. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 688: Cavanaugh. To allow individuals to designate a part of their state income tax refund as a 529 college savings plan contribution. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 693: Halloran. To prohibit anyone working in telecommunications from causing a caller ID service to knowingly provide misleading or inaccurate information in order to defraud, harm, or wrongfully obtain something of value, thus restricting telemarkers. The NE Public Service Commission could impose a fine up to $2,000 for each offense. Complaints about telemarketers and spoofing are among leading complaints to the state att.-gen. office and FCC. GOOD BILL/ TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE
LB 696: Bostelman. To allow members of the Army National Guard and Air National Guard to use military honor licenses plates. GOOD BILL/ TRANSPORTATION CCOMMITTEE
LB 697: Bostelman. To not require an extra fee for military honor license plates. GOOD BILL/ TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE
LB 700: Bostelman. To require anyone owning, operating, or managing a wind energy system to pay decommissioning and reclamation costs while removing the system. They must restore the land to its natural state, so that agriculture can continue on such land. The same now required of coal and nuclear energy plants. GOOD BILL/ NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE
LB 706: Lindstrom. To authorize a 1-year freeze on cost of living increases for Omaha Public School employees, upon the vote of the OPS pension board of trustees. The 1-yr. freeze extends from 1-1-1920 through 12-31-20. This freeze would help ameliorate the OPS unfunded pension problem. GOOD BILL/ RETIREMENT COMMITTEE
LB 707: Erdman. To allow the Tax Equalization & Review Commission (TERC) to hold hearings by means of video or telephone conferencing. This bill will save those land owners wishing to appeal their valuations time and travel expenses, especially in rural areas. GOOD BILL/ REVENUE COMMITTEE
LB 712: Friesen. To prohibit a joint entity from prohibiting a representative of its members or of any joint board from, or censure such representative for expressing an opinion or speaking on a matter related to the joint entity or joint board if such speech is otherwise lawful. GOOD BILL/ JUDICIARY COMMITTEE
LB 713: Vargas. To require the legislative fiscal analyst to create a report on revenue volatility and a budget stress test in alternate years and a long-term budget for major spending programs every 4 years. These reports would provide crucial tools for senators. GOOD BILL/ SELECT FILE
LB 717: Brewer. The bill applies only to a contract by or for a state agency for professional or technical services in excess of $100,000. A contract subject to this subsection would require a contractor to use a third-party software to verify that hours billed for work under the contract that are performed on a computer are legitimate. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE
LB 736: Murman. To prohibit local licensing or occupation tax requirements imposed on a profession or business subject to same state licensing requirements and prohibit charging more than $25 for a current license annually. GOOD BILL/ GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE