NTF worksheet: douglascounty156.doc. 8-20.
Good morning. Doug Kagan, 416 South 130 Street, representing NE Taxpayers for Freedom. Once again, I speak to commissioners about what we consider the proper and improper use of federal CARES Act tax dollars.
Though proper disbursement of these funds is open to various interpretations, we believe that the county should dispense these monies through direct county control in order to supervise its use instead of handing off funds with little oversight to nonprofits that can deduct administrative fees. Also, we feel that commissioners should concentrate on targeting these dollars to persons directly threatened or harmed by this virus, first responders like law enforcement and firefighter personnel and providers in our medical and health communities, those potentially exposed to the virus or suffering from it. Think of the terrible toll racing through public and private nursing homes here.
Yet, today we see that the begging bowls are out to tweak $10 million in CARES money for arts and entertainment venues. I refer you to the list below. More concern you should show to a paramedic tending to a possible coronavirus victim than to a movie goer at Film Streams. More concern commissioners should show to a hospital nurse or nursing home caregiver and patients than someone attending an art show.
Though a whopping $166 million in CARES funds is yours to distribute, we ask commissioners to dispense it frugally and to recipients in venues that are directly helping to stem and eradicate this pandemic or directly suffering from it.
Thank you.